198 Sky Resorts



Rise above your daily routine and come and enjoy the best views in the Mediterranean.
At 198 Sky Resorts, we offer a selection of properties from the best Sky Resorts in the Mediterranean, where all owners and residents can enjoy the best views, whichever floor you live on.

What is a Sky Resort? Sky Resorts are residential buildings where all the most attractive common areas have been situated at the highest parts of the building, so that all residents can benefit from the best views of the Mediterranean.

Whether you fancy a Gin & Tonic after spending the day at the beach, or you prefer winding down in the spa, having a sauna or yoga practice, at 198 Sky Resorts we offer fantastic properties where you can enjoy your favourite activity surrounded by spectacular views. Even if you live on the first floor, You will have the same views as the best penthouse!






The team of professionals at 198 SKY RESORTS have more than 15 years’ experience at the top of the holiday-home market on the Spanish Mediterranean coast. Whether you are purchasing a property to use as a second home, or as a buy-to-let investment, our team will offer you the best advice and assistance. They will also provide all the services you need so that all that’s left for you to do is choose the property that best suits your wishes.


Book your accommodation
to visit our resorts
and get a 50% discount.


Terminos y condiciones

La Dirección / Órgano de Gobierno de COSTA ACTIVA SERVICIOS INMOBILIARIOS SL (en adelante, el responsable del tratamiento), propietaria de la web www.198skyresorts.com asume la máxima responsabilidad y compromiso con el establecimiento, implementación y mantenimiento de la presente Política de Protección de Datos, garantizando la mejora continua del responsable del tratamiento con el objetivo de alcanzar la excelencia en relación con el cumplimiento del Reglamento (UE) 2016/679 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 27 de abril de 2016, relativo a la protección de las personas físicas en lo que respecta al tratamiento de datos personales y a la libre circulación de estos datos y por el que se deroga la Directiva 95/46/CE (Reglamento general de protección de datos) (DOUE L 119/1, 04-05-2016), y de la normativa española de protección de datos de carácter personal (Ley Orgánica, legislación sectorial específica y sus normas de desarrollo).

La Política de Protección de Datos de COSTA ACTIVA SERVICIOS INMOBILIARIOS SL descansa en el principio de responsabilidad proactiva, según el cual el responsable del tratamiento es responsable del cumplimiento del marco normativo y jurisprudencial que gobierna dicha Política, y es capaz de demostrarlo ante las autoridades de control competentes.

En tal sentido, el responsable del tratamiento se regirá por los siguientes principios que deben servir a todo su personal como guía y marco de referencia en el tratamiento de datos personales:

Protección de datos desde el diseño: el responsable del tratamiento aplicará, tanto en el momento de determinar los medios de tratamiento como en el momento del propio tratamiento, medidas técnicas y organizativas apropiadas, como la seudonimización, concebidas para aplicar de forma efectiva los principios de protección de datos, como la minimización de datos, e integrar las garantías necesarias en el tratamiento.

Protección de datos por defecto: el responsable del tratamiento aplicará las medidas técnicas y organizativas apropiadas con miras a garantizar que, por defecto, solo sean objeto de tratamiento los datos personales que sean necesarios para cada uno de los fines específicos del tratamiento.

Protección de datos en el ciclo de vida de la información: las medidas que garanticen la protección de los datos personales serán aplicables durante el ciclo completo de la vida de la información.

Licitud, lealtad y transparencia: los datos personales serán tratados de manera lícita, leal y transparente en relación con el interesado.

Limitación de la finalidad: los datos personales serán recogidos con fines determinados, explícitos y legítimos, y no serán tratados ulteriormente de manera incompatible con dichos fines.

Minimización de datos: los datos personales serán adecuados, pertinentes y limitados a lo necesario en relación con los fines para los que son tratados.

Exactitud: los datos personales serán exactos y, si fuera necesario, actualizados; se adoptarán todas las medidas razonables para que se supriman o rectifiquen sin dilación los datos personales que sean inexactos con respecto a los fines para los que se tratan.

Limitación del plazo de conservación: los datos personales serán mantenidos de forma que se permita la identificación de los interesados durante no más tiempo del necesario para los fines del tratamiento de los datos personales.

Integridad y confidencialidad: los datos personales serán tratados de tal manera que se garantice una seguridad adecuada de los datos personales, incluida la protección contra el tratamiento no autorizado o ilícito y contra su pérdida, destrucción o daño accidental, mediante la aplicación de medidas técnicas u organizativas apropiadas.

Información y formación: una de las claves para garantizar la protección de los datos personales es la formacioìn e informacioìn que se facilite al personal involucrado en el tratamiento de los mismos. Durante el ciclo de vida de la informacioìn, todo el personal con acceso a los datos será convenientemente formado e informado acerca de sus obligaciones en relación con el cumplimiento de la normativa de protección de datos.

La Política de Protección de Datos de COSTA ACTIVA SERVICIOS INMOBILIARIOS SL es comunicada a todo el personal del responsable del tratamiento y puesta a disposición de todas las partes interesadas.

En su consecuencia, la presente Política de Protección de Datos involucra a todo el personal del responsable del tratamiento, que debe conocerla y asumirla, considerándola como propia, siendo cada miembro responsable de aplicarla y de verificar las normas de protección de datos aplicables a su actividad, así como identificar y aportar las oportunidades de mejora que considere oportunas con el objetivo de alcanzar la excelencia en relación con su cumplimiento.

Esta Política será revisada por la Dirección / Órgano de Gobierno de COSTA ACTIVA SERVICIOS INMOBILIARIOS SL, tantas veces como se considere necesario, para adecuarse, en todo momento, a las disposiciones vigentes en materia de protección de datos de carácter personal.

Politica de Privacidad

Information on the data protection regulation

Our company must comply with the European and Spanish regulations for the protection of personal data.

For this reason, it is important to us that you have a perfect understanding of what we do with the personal data we ask you for.

We will therefore give you control of your data and be transparent with you in language that is easy to understand, and offer clear options that will allow you to decide what we do with your personal data.

If you have any questions after reading this information, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.

Thank you!

Who are we?


Our VAT id number: B54223094

Our core business: Property


Our telephone number: 966882703

Our e-mail address: rrhh@costactiva.com

Our website: 198skyresorts and costactiva.com

For your peace of mind, we would like to inform you that we are a company registered in the following public trade/company register: Registro Mercantil de Alicante: https://www.rmalicante.es/

Our activity is subject to prior administrative authorisation. Here is the information relating to that authorisation and the details of the body that supervises us:Agencia Estatal de Administración Tributaria: https://www.agenciatributaria.es/AEAT.internet/en_gb/Inicio.shtml

We will be happy to answer any questions you may have on the subject.

What do you use my data for?

Generally, your personal data will be used to communicate with you and provide you with our services.

It may also be used for other reasons, such as to send you marketing messages or promote our services.

Why do you need to use my data?

We need your personal data to be able to communicate with you and provide you with our services. We will provide you with check boxes that allow you to easily and clearly decide how we use your personal data.

Who will use the data you ask me for?

Generally, only the authorised staff of our company will be able to view the information we have asked you for.

However, it may also be used by entities that need access to it in order for us to provide you with our services. For example, our bank will have access to your data if you pay for our services by card or bank transfer.

Equally, any public or private entity to which we are legally obliged to communicate your personal data in order to comply with the law will have access to your personal data. As an example, the General Law on Taxation imposes the provision of certain information to the Spanish Tax Agency on financial transactions if they exceed a certain amount.

If, apart from the circumstances referred to, we need to communicate your personal data to other entities, we will first ask for your permission, using clear options to allow you to make a decision in this respect.

How do you protect my data?

We protect your data with efficient security measures based on the risks associated with the use of this data.

For this, our company has approved a Data Protection Policy, and checks and annual audits are conducted to verify that your personal data is secure at all times.

Do you send my data to other countries?

There are countries in the world that are safe in terms of data use, and others that aren’t as safe. For example, your data is safe in the European Union. Our policy is not to send your personal data to any country that is unsafe as regards data protection.

If in order to provide our services we cannot avoid sending your data to a country that is not as safe as Spain, we will always previously ask for your permission and apply efficient security measures that reduce the risk of sending your personal data to another country.

¿How long do you keep my data for?

will keep your data for as long as our relations with you last, and for as long as we are obliged to by law. Once the mandatory timeframe has expired, we will erase the data in a way that is secure and respectful to the environment.

What are my rights with regard to data protection?

You may contact us at any time to ask what data we have of yours, rectify it if it’s incorrect, and delete it once our relations have ended, if this is permitted by law.

You are also entitled to have your data transferred to another entity. This right is referred to as “portability” and may be useful in certain circumstances.

To be able to apply for these rights, you must make a written request to our address, with a copy of your ID so that we can identify you.

At our offices, there are forms designed specifically to be able to request these rights and we will help you fill them in.

To find out more about your rights in terms of data protection, you may check the website of the Spanish Data Protection Agency ( www.aepd.es).

Can I withdraw my consent if I change my mind?

You may at any time withdraw your consent if you change your mind about the use of your data.

For example, if you were at one point interested in receiving information on our products and services, but now you no longer want to receive marketing messages, you may specify this using the form, which you can find at our offices, for objecting to your data being processed.

Where can I make a complaint if I feel that my rights haven’t been observed?

If you feel that your rights have not been observed, you may complain to the Spanish Data Protection Agency through any of the following channels:

Website: www.aepd.es


Agencia Española de Protección de Datos

C/ Jorge Juan, 6



Tel. 901 100 099

Tel. 91 266 35 17

Complaints to the Spanish Data Protection Agency are free of charge and you do not need to be assisted by a lawyer.

Do you engage in profiling?

Our policy is not to engage in profiling users of our services.

However, there may be situations in which, in order to provide our services, whether these are sales services or services of any other kind, we need to create a profile using your information. One example could be using your purchase history to be able to offer you products and services that are in line with your needs or preferences.

n such a case, we will apply efficient security measures to protect your information from unauthorised persons who may wish to use it for their own benefit.

Will you use my data for other purposes?

Our policy is not to use your data for purposes other than those we have explained. However, if we needed to use your information for different purposes, we would always previously ask for your consent, using clear options that will allow you to make a decision.